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An Unconventional Way to Get in Front of Your Audience

Think it’s weird to sell jewelry out of your car?

Check out this February 4, 2015 Forbes article that describes how an Uber driver makes $18,ooo/month by promoting his jewelry business to passengers.

And don’t be surprised if the next time you take Uber, the driver starts talking to you about your career path. That will be me, the mobile recruiter!

First few paragraphs of full article here:

“It’s a genius way to start a business nowadays, especially because nobody’s doing it.”

The man sitting beside me is sharing the most insightful business advice I’ve heard lately. His ideas are as unconventional as the location of our conversation. We’re not in a coffee shop or a corner office. We’re in an Uber and he’s my driver.

His name is Gavin Escolar, a charismatic Filipino man with a laugh that’s even louder than his orange-and-red striped dress shirt. We’re cruising down Valencia street when I notice diamond earrings dangling on the dashboard. Around his wrist, an emerald bracelet gleams through the sunlight. In the seat pockets, glossy catalogs display more jewelry. The cover reads: Gavin Escolar’s 2014 Collection.

Then it hits me: I’m not in Gavin’s car. I’m in his mobile showroom. He’s not just an Uber driver. Nor is he just an entrepreneur. He’s an Uberpreneur, using the ridesharing app to promote his jewelry business.

Keep reading.

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